Penny is our Accredited Agent for Cornwall. You may have met her on the stand at Your Horse Live and the Exeter Equine Fayre.
Penny first started riding at age 3 riding other peoples ponies however, she has owned horses of her own for over 20 years. All her horses are home produced and she competes up to BE 100. Penny has 4 horses who are all conformationally different and who are all at different stages of their careers.
“I used to work in a saddlery shop and have always had a keen interest in saddles and they way they fit. I’ve always wanted to fit saddles and fortunately an opportunity for a career change gave me the time to study. I attended a Saddler Awareness Demo that Dean and Gini ran for my local riding club and everything made sense and booked up for a visit and never looked back. Both horses who now have saddle exchange saddles have developed and extended their way of going in a way I didn’t think was possible.
I am very impressed by the way they are designed and the quality and my horses clearly love them too. Happy Horse equals Happy Rider ! I have thoroughly enjoyed my training , especially a saddle fitting visit to Prague and I am looking forward to helping people get the the right saddle for both their horses and themselves”.
Connect with Penny on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pennyallensaddles/
Penny is based near St Austell , contact number : 07510169949
Penny Allen - Accredited Saddle Fitter for Devon and Cornwall